Wednesday 19 January 2011

My New Favourite Game?

Homefront, an upcoming FPS developed by Kaos Studios is obviously going to be great. I’m beginning to think that this could this be the next big ‘realistic’ shooter I’ve been longing for, but will it be the one to break me of my passion for Call of Duty and Halo?

Battlefield: Bad Company 2 was the last game that nearly did just that, but where is it now? With UAV’s and suicidal ATV drivers I would prefer not to talk about it. Kaos have wholeheartedly promised dedicated servers for consoles as well as PC. This is a huge delight to anyone and everyone interested in shooters and for me this is one of the main reasons that I’m looking forward to this game so much! With dedicated servers comes the minimising of host advantage and a whopping 32 players online, which, if the maps are correctly designed should lead to fast paced, fun gameplay.

Kaos also pulled an interesting move by having John Milius (writer of Red Dawn and co-writer Apocalypse Now) to produce an interesting alternate timeline story, albeit with incredibly Republican undercurrents (shock). Homefront is set in the year 2027 in a speculative reality wherein the dastardly North Koreans under Kim Jung-un have invaded America and it is our brave hero’s job to fight back as members of an active resistance. It definitely seems as though it could be an interesting story especially providing that Kaos don’t chicken out regarding their controversial themes, not mentioning any names *cough* Medal of Honour.

The only thing that I can say that maybe a slight problem to some, is that it looks but hopefully doesn’t play a lot like its predecessor, Frontlines: Fuel of War, so for those that weren’t fans then this could be a no-go. For me though, this looks fresh and could be a step in the right direction to become the next Call of Duty or Halo killer. Even though no game should be made purely to beat another, it’s just easier to call them that.

To wrap up, what I have seen so far definitely shows potential, with some of the features such as vehicles (yay!) and a completely different enemy to shoot instead of dem der’ Russkies (yay!). It’s gotten me more than a little bit excited. So here’s to Homefront, maybe my new favourite game? Let’s see if Kaos can pull it off and avoid falling into the already overflowing mass grave of modern shooters.

And by the way I forgot to mention there is a massive six wheeled vehicle called a Goliath that blows a hell of a lot of stuff up and it looks awesome! That is all.

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