Wednesday 19 January 2011

Activision Overlords threaten to pull PS3 support for Black Ops

Wow, even amidst all the whining and complaining, I never thought we'd see this. Jason Koblovsky is a PS3 owner and as we all know, the PS3 has been well and truly shafted on the Call of  Duty front this year. The game reportedly suffers from "sub-par graphics, buggy software and less features" despite running on a more powerful system. Activision's latest response to these complaints has come from Senior Support representative Dov Carson and is a real world beater.
hit the jump to read on.

 As an avid gamer, I would also disagree with any legalities involving a single aspect of a game as online experience may change at any time. The publishers have the right to shut down the servers for their game at any time as well which based on the number of reported posts from users may be a viable solution over the free PSN. 

So there you have it. I know Activision receives a LOT of bad press but honestly, how can they believe it's acceptable to carry on in this manner. If I make a product that people have certain expectations of, I won't brandish a knife whenever someone tries to approach my market stall with a problem. I can see how all these complaints would irritate Activison after 3 months but the fact remains that they are still yet to fix fundamental problems with what is supposedly 'the biggest game of the year'. I don't even like Call of Duty and I'm offended by this.
Tell us you think in the comments below.


  1. I do not understand what profit could be made by cutting ps3 support? That would be the end of Activision on Ps3 surely? You cant simply stop supporting a game, its so unheard off!

  2. People are idiots and would just buy this years anyway. It's a shame but that's the world we live in.
