Wednesday 19 January 2011

Just a Random Rambling

This is the first of many rants and random topics designed merely to pique your interest, all just for you guys. Enjoy!

God gave Moses the 10 commandments but Notch gave us MINECRAFT! Minecraft is one of the best things to happen to the gaming industry since... well I'm not sure. What I do know however, is that I cannot produce decipherable words to describe the joys of playing Minecraft, which kind of defeats the point of this piece. So I shall do my best! Schmooblygong perhaps?

 I can talk for days about this game, Foraging, mining, torch building, boat building and work of art creating. It stretches the creative muscles of your brain to their limits, you can build near enough anything and everything. The only problem I seem to be having with it is that there simply isn’t enough time to play it.

Sure the ill educated masses may slate it for its 8-bit appearance and lack of objectives but may I remind those doubters that it has only recently entered the beta stage of development and has already sold just over a million copies. As for the appearance, that is all part of it’s wonderful charm, when a pig looks at me with its cute little pixelated face, I am warmed to my inner core.

So now I beg thee, go purchase this and have the time of your life or by the power of Grey Skull! I shall hunt you down and show you a picture of one of those adorable animals until you have no choice but to Minecraft. Mwahahaha!

D'aww e's got a lickle saddle an everyfin!

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