Tuesday 29 March 2011

If you see one trailer this year...

Make it this one! This (unfortunately) fictional game has the potential to spark a second renaissance. From it's genuinely breathtaking interpretation of everything awesome including, Duke, Dinosaurs, Gnomes and Jetpacks. So, well, yeah, just watch the damn thing!

Just Look At The Time!

So not only is this watch the only thing I intend to purchase this year but it also perfectly sums up my sentiments on the last few weeks. Apologies to all, being students still we have had a hellish few weeks and were actually expected to complete and hand in work! The nerve of some people. Nevertheless here is a quick recap of the weeks gone by.

Friday 25 February 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Teaser Site?

An interesting URL popped up today, findmakarov.com, I don't know about anyone else, but this sounds awfully familiar. So far all the site contains is a huge Modern Warfare styled countdown with about 4 days left till zero and annoying hammer sound for every single time a second passes, which is very quickly driving me insane.

It may take awhile to load (and frankly isn't worth it) as no doubt the legions of Call of Duty fans are clamoring to get their next fix, after the short lived high of their last. Like a pack of bloody heroine addicts they are...

But more importantly will this 'teaser' show us anything interesting? Or will we simply receive a few flashes of green coupled with some ambiguous Russian words?

Thursday 24 February 2011

Skyrim Gameplay trailer!

Trailers, trailers and more trailers. It seems as though all I've been doing for the past fortnight is posting trailers! This one breaks the tedium of it however, that's right an actual gameplay trailer for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Gasp!

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Battlefield 3 Gamepay Trailer

So there you go, as promised by DICE, the Battlefield 3 gameplay trailer. It looks fantastic, there is little to no doubt about that. And despite there being little footage to analyse, it still manages to leave a good impression of  what we're currently scheduled to play sometime this autumn, from the addition of going prone once again to the absolutely jaw dropping visuals. But is it enough to get you Call of Duty fans into something new? I for one can't wait to get my greasy little claws on it

Gears 3, Worldwide 20th September.

Shit yeah! The long awaited sequel to Gears of War 2 will finally be arriving in homes around the world on the 20th of September.

I'm already revving my Lancer in anticipation.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Sexy new Arkham shots and sexy old Arkham news

I'm sure by now you've all heard the great news that Arkham City is going to be a purely singleplayer experience, you can breathe that sigh of relief now. What you might not know however is that there are some yummy new screenshots on offer. In these we can see, Joker (looking a little worse for wear) and Harley Quinn (looking just as sexy), Joker's fun house, one of those annoying snipers and rather interestingly a giant sign for Sionis Industries.

The latter of these hints at the possible inclusion of Black Mask (and the False Facers) being involved with the Joker somehow. For those of you unaware of who Black Mask is, pick up a damn comic already! or alternatively, do your homework and take a peak at this.

Lord of the Rings Dev Diary? Yes please!

Well today has just been trailer-tastic, has it not? So while it's not actually a trailer it's pretty cool to watch anyway. In this video Snowblind show off some of the various locations only us Tolkien nerds have read about such as Carn Dum for instance. I'm a die hard LOTR fan so it's brilliant to see this project developing so well and I for one, cannot wait to get my hands on it later this year.

Brand New RAGE trailer

As you should all know by now, if you've been paying attention in class, is that RAGE is going to be awesome. This trailer shows us more of said awesomeness as well as showing us pretty much all we need to know about the game. Shootan, Drivan, Wastelandan and ID Tek 5an. Plus more mutants than you can shake a stick at.

Is RAGE on your list this year?

Dead Island is a thing which is happening!

Holy cockle sauce I want this. Apart from seeing a teaser, over two years ago, little else has been said about Dead Island. I, like so many others, confess to giving up hope that we would ever actually see a 'good version' of Dead Rising, especially when this thing fell off the grid. After checking out the incredibly dramatic announcement trailer, hit the jump to see the whole thing in order.

Dead Space 2 Review

In student accommodation everyone can here you scream. This may be due to the thin walls of aforementioned dorm room or perhaps it’s because Visceral games have once again proven they can pull off a good sci-fi horror.

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Valve 'Per employee' 'More profitable than Google and Apple'

And who said PC gaming was dead? Forbes magazine has recently written a profile of Valve head Gabe Newell detailing the rise and rise of Steam since 2004. It details various business facts including that 250 person company holds 50-70% of the market share of  $4 billion industry and states, rather obviously, that Valve is 'Tremendously profitable'.

The article goes on to say that Valves 200% year over year growth will not be stopping anytime soon and Gabe himself sees this year as 'A big year for Valve'. I won't bore you with anymore facts and figures but I implore you to read the full article and then tell me that PC gaming is on the way out.

Mirror's Edge 2 given the boot

Mirror's Edge was not the greatest game ever made but it did offer very unique adventure and as a new IP that's not only commendable but damn hard too. However, today is a sad day for this whimsical little title as it's second iteration has been canned by the higher ups at EA who felt the original title did not meety sales expectations. Hit the jump for the full info

New Ass Creed details in May!

Yeah boiii, in a statement given by Ubisoft earlier today, the publisher has confirmed that Ass Bro's shipped 6.5 million units, a figure it certainly deserved. Happy days, hey? Of course we all know this almost certainly means a new Creed game this year and surprise surprise we have a statement here "We will have an Assassin's Creed this year... We are going to give you more details in May'

Excited? I know I am. I just hope to God that we're done with Ezio. OOKAY He's cool, we get it!

We're not dead.

Just crrrraaaazzzyyyy busy once more. So, I shall hereby dedicated my day to forcing news onto your screens!
See you on the other side...

Sunday 13 February 2011

The Dawn of the Online Society

As the media bombards the mind, people’s imagination and creativity retreat behind the walls of pretence that shield us from anyone and anything. The 9-5 job exhausts us, bills ravage us and the need to spend, spend, spend pillages our wallets. It is no wonder that an online world far away from the sinister reality of all of this has been created, a land so beautiful your imagination is let loose to create your own dream world and immerse yourself in it.

Monday 31 January 2011

Bulletstorm Impressions

As I'm sure you're all aware of by now, Bulletstorm is an upcoming FPS by People Can Fly and Epic Games and contains more testosterone and all around manliness than a child fathered by Marcus Fenix and Wolverine. Having finally tried out the demo available on XBL I could think of nothing better to do than to give you the scoop. Hit the jump for something so bad-ass that it made me ashamed to be myself.

Sunday 30 January 2011

SaD-cast Episode 1!

Well rustle my Jimmie's, it's finally happened. When NASA's wizards first built the internet they never imagined it would be used for this... SaD-cast is Search and Destroy's very own podcast and we hope you'll tune in! (or at least subscribe and rate...) Just hit the link then give 'view in itunes' a little click and you're on your way!

And so, for you're personal delectation, I give you SaD-cast!

Awakened, has awakened my trousers.

When publisher Midway went under we lost a promising looking title named Hero, which placed a heavy emphasis on customizable superheroes. An excellent idea in premise, no? Well fear not, as recently announced Awakened is the second coming of such a project, from a team of Hero developers joining together to create Phosphor Games.

This is a very early build of the game so if you judge it, judge it purely for the concepts and awesome powers on display. I think this is definitely one to watch for, so fingers crossed that Awakened makes it where Hero did not - to release.

Thursday 27 January 2011

Bethesda release dates galore! Skyirm, Brink, RAGE

In a move that has shocked me to the core, Bethesda has revealed it's line up's release dates for the coming year. Take a gander at these!

  • Brink - May 21-EU (May 17 NA)
  • Hunted - June 3-EU (June 1 NA)
  • RAGE - September 16-EU (September 13 NA)
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - November 11 (worldwide)

How do you like that? I personally cannot wait for any of these titles, RAGE and TeS V in particular. The only question that jumps to mind is: How many delays will we see? Whilst we may but hopefully not, see Skyrim pushed back till next year, you can rest easy knowing that we will have at least 3 other great titles from Bethesda alone.
Yep, it's shaping up to be quite a year.