Tuesday 15 February 2011

Mirror's Edge 2 given the boot

Mirror's Edge was not the greatest game ever made but it did offer very unique adventure and as a new IP that's not only commendable but damn hard too. However, today is a sad day for this whimsical little title as it's second iteration has been canned by the higher ups at EA who felt the original title did not meety sales expectations. Hit the jump for the full info

This report comes to us via Press 2 Play and translated by Eurogamer and tells us that “Patrick [Soderlund - EA driving and shooting game boss] acknowledges that Mirror’s Edge didn’t match up to their expectations regarding sales, and that has stopped the sequel that has been in development.”

“EA was shown a prototype, but declined with askance. The project has been stopped – involved parties at DICE are working on something else now. Patrick himself seems to have Mirror’s Edge near his heart, but they are not in the business of charity.”

Whilst I am not entirely shocked, I am a little disappointed that yet another new IP has gone under.

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