Tuesday 29 March 2011

Just Look At The Time!

So not only is this watch the only thing I intend to purchase this year but it also perfectly sums up my sentiments on the last few weeks. Apologies to all, being students still we have had a hellish few weeks and were actually expected to complete and hand in work! The nerve of some people. Nevertheless here is a quick recap of the weeks gone by.

Find Makarov was of course not the next CoD game, instead it's a very well done fan film focusing around the worst part of MW2 - The Story.

Bulletstorm, Dragon Age 2, Crysis 2 and numerous other titles came out and were awesome. Homefront came out too. - sorry we won't be able to get any reviews out for these old games but that said you've probably bought them already.

Japan was hit with tragedy - I will hopefully be able to sort out a charity event for the Japanese Red Cross very soon so keep checking back - numerous games cancelled and delayed but I think there are bigger things to worry about.

Our old podcast from about a month ago will also be going up shortly and we will be recording a new one soon.

So much news that we here at SaD will do our best to recap it for you, if you missed any that is.

Catch you on the flip-side and keep checking back!

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