Sunday 13 February 2011

The Dawn of the Online Society

As the media bombards the mind, people’s imagination and creativity retreat behind the walls of pretence that shield us from anyone and anything. The 9-5 job exhausts us, bills ravage us and the need to spend, spend, spend pillages our wallets. It is no wonder that an online world far away from the sinister reality of all of this has been created, a land so beautiful your imagination is let loose to create your own dream world and immerse yourself in it.

The online community grows and grows, people no longer look out of their window and dream, they look through their monitor and create the dream. Pretend social experts argue that this obsession with the internet, this second life people have is a bad thing as it takes them away from the real world. That is the exact reason why so many do it, what is there to love about a world of hatred and control.

As a gamer, I can understand the attraction of the online community. The ability to create a character that represents your own personality and imagination and not be judged for it is a very grand idea that has been jumped upon and embraced by many. Role Playing Games for example like World of Warcraft have broken anyone’s expectations as millions become members worldwide.

However, there is a distinct difference between enjoying and obsession. A few stories have emerged of obsessive gaming that has led to life changing consequences. But this is common with most fields of entertainment; gambling, drinking, drugs and many more. It is an addiction which must be under control.

With all addictions, there is a bad side to the obvious attraction. There is always a sub-conscience caution that comes with talking to strangers. This is understandable but also easily overcome once you realise, that most people are there for the same reason you are. It is outstanding to hear about the amount friendships and relationships born over the internet. Online dating for example is an expanding industry as more people sign up to meet new people as ‘face to face’ socialising has become too expensive and limited to weekend alcohol induced carnage.

I will be the first one to say that I have met many fantastic people online, through console gaming and internet gaming. The old fashioned and fantastic view and safety that you will not be judged on face value is priceless. If only real life and real life people would be less judgemental, but I doubt that would affect the Online Community much.

But this escape from RL is not all down to the judgmental hordes of mainstream society, or the realisation of a life designed around paying tax, it is in fact an embrace of the human minds most renowned feature, curiosity. The World Wide Web has opened the doors for everyone with an internet connection to open their eyes to the realisation, the world is indeed not flat, the world is indeed greater than your town and the world is indeed full of many different races of human beings, with different cultures and thoughts on issues that may relate to you. How many people 30 years ago could say, they had viewed the outer steppes of Mongolia from their very living room. The very idea would have you trialled for witchcraft.

The availability of information online about the world we live in is incredible and truly amazing. Search engines like Google can give you thousands of websites with your keyword mentioned. This advancement in mediat hass changed the way this society is, advancing new generations to higher capabilities with staggering increases in information registration in the human mind. A child of 5 can operate a complex system quicker and more effectively then a 35 year old.

I pose to you one final question, is this the type of society we wish to live in? Many debate this very question as they see their children suddenly logging into Facebook every single morning and evening. This obsession with socialising online is actually threatening face to face socialising. Everything in moderation is the general argument and the realisation to what is important in your life.

The online society will expand and expand as more and more of the drivers of society realise and exploit its capabilities. It is up to you to embrace life, to use the net to expand your thoughts, but to put them to good practice in real life, face to face with another human being.

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