Tuesday 4 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Hope you had Fun!
Well, well, well. That was a pretty busy holiday season wasn’t it? Merry Christmas, happy New Year and a happy birthday to you Mr Christ. I hope you all managed to pick up the deals you wanted from the multitude of offers from Xbox LIVE, PSN, Steam and virtual console(lol) and if you didn’t then you’re a terrible shopper and should be ashamed of yourself. So here we are, new year, new start, we here at Search And Destroy have a confession and an apology for you, we got a little sloppy towards the end of the year and never got round to publishing anything we’d written. So this first batch of reviews is coming a little late but just trust us that it was worth the wait and what’s headed your way will blow your tiny minds!

Stay Tuned!

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