Wednesday 17 November 2010

No need for introductions, You've read about us in toilet stalls

Hello all, welcome to Search and Destroy Gaming! a project we have high hopes for. You may be asking 'Why should I give a monkeys?' Well If you have half a brain you'll know that Search and Destroy Gaming! is a new blog dedicated to bringing you the best news, reviews and previews. With some thought provoking editorials and a few podcasts thrown in there for good measure.

Comprised of several budding young gamers turned journalists, Search and Destroy Gaming! hopes to make a mark in the field we've chosen, VIDYA GAEMS, sorry that's video games. As you may have guessed excitement is high but enthusiasm is even higher. So allow me to wrap this up and get back to writing, by saying that we hope we can hold your attention long enough in this age of Ipods and Gizmo's for you to enjoy what we have to offer!

So Pull up a chair and tell your friends!

Ladies and Gentlemen for your enjoyment, I present to you - Search and Destroy Gaming!

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