Tuesday 18 January 2011

Old Silent Hill 8 news

Old but still oh so sweet. As we discussed in our ill fated Pilot Podcast, the later Silent Hill games have been missing something, not that they're rubbish or anything. It's just something basic like the developers don't really understand the series, this is clearly evident with the way developers have been telling Pyramid Head to put on his red light and present his body to you, making an appearance in every. single. game. Despite him being personal to our erm... beloved... James Sunderland.

However, amidst this rant of despair I bring you hope! Brian Gomez of Vatra Games has recently told Game Informer that actually 'the town is the real star of the show' 'It's really about who you plug into it. You get a different result whenever you plug in a different person with a different psychology, a different load of guilt and remorse that they're carrying around with them.'

Wunderbar! There is an awful lot of Silent Hill 2 fanboyism (which I have been know to partake in) that does prevent the later entries from performing perhaps as well as they deserve but this is truly interesting news. Let's just hope that they can pull it off, definitely one to watch.

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