Wednesday 26 January 2011

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, The new combat system!

Once more those beautiful people at Bethesda have dropped another megaton of Skyrim related news on our already fragile minds. This time we have been blessed with news of a completely overhauled combat system and the details of how it will work. It's not that the previous system was God-awful but it was certainly lacking and mundane in parts. The latest incarnation seems bound to change that. Hit the jump for the details.

  • Similar to Bioshock you have the ability to equip any weapon or spell to either hand.
  • Multiple fighting styles including the usual one handed, two handed and sword and shield but new system allows for one handed and magic or dual wielding.
  • Possible to imbalance and stagger opponents in combat.
  • More tactical battles, watch your guard!
  • Finishing moves, incredibly brutal and unique to different enemies.
  • Blocking now based on player reactions and timing.
  • Backpedal speed changed to prevent hit and run tactics prevalent in previous titles.
  • Over 85 spells in 5 schools, mysticism removed -bothered?
  • Multiple attacks with spells, e.g. fireball/flamethrower.
  • Different spells have different effects instead of damage alone e.g. frost drains stamina and slows down foes.
  • Arrows are no longer the peashooters they once were and though they are now slower to load, you won't be disappointed with the result.
  • Stealth more evolved, similar to Metal Gear Solid enemies enter a 'alert' mode upon hearing a noise.
  • Dagger now has a job! Whilst in sneak it may deal up to 10X damage in the final release.
  • As a Dragonborne the player character will be able to use Dragon shouts, powerful cries that can range from slowing down time to summoning a Dragon to fight beside you.

I could already say I was damn excited for this game but hearing of the overhauled magic system just sent me over the edge. I always liked the idea of being an all powerful warlock but without mods I found it's lack of fluidity off putting. So let us know what you think and what you'd like to see in the upcoming Elder Scrolls title.

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