Thursday 6 January 2011

Want new Skyrim info? You'd better learn your runes!

OMGWTFBBQ! Who can read Runes?! I sure as hell can't and it's driving me mad. Today Game Informer released their new cover and it's been ever so slightly pushing me towards the brink of insanity. Apparently the games native runes scrawled on the back of this issue reveal something important about the upcoming Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

This is definitely one of the better PR stunts I've seen, not only is it insanely cool but I also feel like Indiana Jones or someone who just found Atlantis whilst I'm attempting to decipher this mystery. I'll be sure to post the translation if I ever crack it, or more likely I'll search Google to find someone who has.

 Let us know in the comments if you happen to solve the mystery of the runes. Happy hunting friends!

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