Monday 10 January 2011

Skyrim details revealed!

Game Informer have at last revealed the core concepts of the upcoming Elder Scrolls title Skyrim. Details already confirmed include: much more dynamic NPC's, a perk system similar to that of Fallout and randomly generated quests based on how you play the game. Including the possibility of Dragons attacking cities! 

As a huge fan of the series I've got high hopes for this game and even if I wasn't this list would be enough to convince me to get excited. For a much more in depth look at the features revealed, which you know you want to read, hit the damn jump!

  • The story begins 200 years after Oblivion, the player will find themselves caught in a civil war and trained by the last living member of the blades (genuine shock). 
  • The game will revolve around the reawakening of the creator and destroyer, the mighty dragon Alduin due to the civil war of the brothers. The player being a Dragonborne, one with the ability to slay dragons, will be one of the worlds only hopes.
  • Facial hair is now available (instead of colouring in your cheeks).
  • Vastly improved engine with dynamic snow, water, leaves and shadows.
  • Possibility for duel wielding, sword and sword, sword and magic etc. Weapons all designed to feel differently in much improved combat.
  • 5 'Massive' cities with various jobs such as woodcutting, farming, cooking and everyone's current favourite Mining.
  • The perk system stops once you reach level 50 but the levels do not (hurray).
  • All ten races are back and with the ability to customise your body as well as the face, cue the fattest Wood Elf you've ever seen save the world.
No news yet however, of whether or not the player will keep tradition  by begining their journey in prison, joined once more by a character such as the mighty (Saint) Jiub or the insidious Valen Dreth. Already there is so much to almost cement my faith in this game that perhaps someone else will have to review this...

Game Informer via BadassPanda

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