Tuesday 4 January 2011

MORE Mass Effect DLC?

Mass Effect 2 – The game that keeps on giving! For those of you that are fans of the Mass Effect franchise you will no doubt have played the bucket load of content that Bioware has dropped on us lucky gamers and seen the charming Cerberus Daily News which adds just that little bit of extra flavour to the Mass Effect universe and this week we have been told that even more is on its way but I say this with a heavy heart.

A bittersweet fact has been revealed this week and that is that the CND team will be taking a break from delivering us those messages every time we boot up our Mass effect 2, sad news indeed. All is not lost as the team also announced in the same statement that they will be back before the release of Mass Effect 3 along with a brand new piece of freshly baked DLC roughly two weeks before the third instalments release. The full statement posted by the CND team reads:

The Cerberus Daily News will begin a hiatus on January 24th, finishing its run of one full year. Daily postings will cease except for three weeks in 2011: a week of posts will precede a downloadable content release, and two more weeks will lead up to the release of Mass Effect 3. 

The CDN team thanks fans for their attention, comments, and feedback, (both in and out of character!). We are sorry to go, but we had fun –- we hope you did, too!

January looks to be a busy month for Bioware and Mass Effect as not only will we see the final stages of CND, Mass Effect 2 will finally be released on Playstation 3 on Jan 18 running on the same game engine that will power Mass Effect 3, giving us a glimpse of what is to come hopefully in Q4 of this year.

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