Tuesday 4 January 2011

A Late Christmas Present From DICE

Hot News

PC gamers the world over Rejoice! Earlier this week via Twitter DICE Lead Designer David Goldfarb responded to the question of whether or not Battlefield 3 will be a PC exclusive and whilst he said it wouldn’t he did go on to say that at DICE they ‘Are putting special effort into the PC version’ and that ‘even for us, it’s extraordinary’.

DICE have always been thorough with their games and do not release an unfinished product so this ‘special effort’ must be bloody mind blowing. This should also put those more PC oriented gamers minds out there to rest as due to the more recent console success of DICE with the Battlefield: Bad Company spin-offs, there was a lot of talk, as usual, about the whole PC GAMING IS DEAD DERP but this suggestion of ‘special effort’ can mean nothing but good news for PC gamers. Excited? I know I am! Let us know what you want to see in Battlefield 3 in the comments below.

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