Wednesday 5 January 2011

Hurray for Kaos!

Homefront developer Kaos have made PC gamers start to the new year just that much brighter. The developer told CVG in an interview that dedicated servers are a must for games that want to sustain healthy large scale battles. It's a shame Infinity Ward didn't realise this  when they were developing Modern Warfare 2, which suffered a HUGE backlash from PC gamers the world over.

For 32 players, you have to have dedicated servers, or else it would be unplayable. When you play Xbox Live where it's 12 to maybe 16 players max, where it's just one of the players hosting it, it can still get pretty darn laggy. So it's a necessity in order to deliver the multiplayer experience we want. We're committed to setting up server farms all around the world so that everyone has good ping, low latency and gets rid of that awful host advantage.

So, dedicated servers are hugely important and in order to deliver the multiplayer experience we're looking for with vehicle, air strikes, drones, infantry, air-to-air and air-to-ground combat, all on really large maps, it's the only way to do it.

It sure is refreshing to see this kind of attitude in modern developers, whilst matchmaking and peer-to-peer systems can work well in the hands of certain developers such as Bungie, they still pale in comparison to how effective dedicated servers can be, on PC in particular. We all know how annoying lag and host advantage can be and it really is detrimental to the experience so if Kaos really are as committed to this as they say they are, then bravo!

Homefront is scheduled for a March 11th European release date.

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